Diabetes Cure Aratiles
A young student from Iloilo National High School discovered that Type 2 diabetes can be, possibly cured by Jamaican cherry known as aratiles in the Philippines.
Layson States that they have so many aratiles (Muntingia calabura) climbed Abundantly in their backyard and across the roadside of Iloilo town, but has been”often neglected”. That is exactly why Layson was inspired to study the anti-oxidant and antioxidant properties of the fruit, particularly since diabetes has claimed the lives of many of her family members.
The research took her forth and back to Manila to complete Experiments in the Food and Nutrition Research Institute laboratory. She found that the
She expressed a hope that was Huge that her Study can lead to the Growth of a cost-effective solution cure for anti-inflammatory and diabetes nutritional supplements.
She said that,
“My study will not end here. It will actually grow into more specific compounds. We’ll delve into other ailments.”