Large thighs and better health? What is the Ideal Thigh Thickness?
Researchers monitored the volunteers over the equivalent of 12.5 years to find ideal thigh thickness for better health. They discovered that those with large thighs had less risk of suffering from dying prematurely and heart diseases than people with thinner thighs.
In terms of round numbers that included a waist circumference (measured at the point where the thigh meets the butt) approximately 62 centimeters (about 24.4 inches) was the most secure and larger thighs offered no additional advantage, while progressively smaller legs were associated with more risk.
The value of the thigh’s size remained regardless of whether the researchers considered other body composition indicators such as waist circumference and BMI, height, and the percentage of body fat.

The size of the thigh remained an important independent predictor after researchers adjusted the risk factors, such as drinking, smoking, exercise, consumption as well as systolic blood pressure the levels of cholesterol, triglycerides, and as well as (for women) menopausal.
This is a single study, however, the results are quite impressive. However, since the researchers determined thigh size but not the composition of the thigh They aren’t able to tell whether the apparent security of thighs that are large is due to increased muscle mass or fat or both.
Muscle matters
It’s tempting to think about whether personality traits of the nation affect the research design and, for reasons that are not clear this research was conducted in 2009. Danish study focused exclusively on the thigh thickness, while the 2007 British study focused on arms. In this instance, researchers examined 4,107 men aged between 60 to 79.
Men who were obese (BMI less than 18.5) were not included in the study, along with those who suffered from heart failure.
The researchers assessed the composition and body mass of the subjects by measuring the height of the subject, weight, waist-hip circumferences, mid-arm circumference, as well as overall fat and muscle mass.
To determine the risk factors for each patient was asked to provide the details of their medical history as well as underwent an examination of the physical exam as well as an in-person blood test.
Over a period of 6 years, two variables emerged as the most significant factors that predict death. A larger waist circumference, which is a sign of abdominal obesity, was associated with a higher death rate, whereas the large circumferences of the muscles in the mid-arms indicated a lowered death rate.
The findings remained consistent after the researchers considered different risk variables into consideration.
The British study is in line with other studies which show that those with more muscle live longer. One reason could be due to the fact that strong, large muscles are a reflection of regular exercise and a vigorous lifestyle.
The large thigh muscles could be the reason for the apparent benefits of having a large thigh however, additional fat on the lower body may aid, too.
The skinny on lower-body fat
An article from 2010 in a British review suggests that gluteofemoral fat which is called pear-shaped plays a protective role. Utilizing the hip circumference, thigh circumference, and the measurement of the fat mass in the leg as markers of gluteofemoral fat researchers argue that lower body fat improves the metabolism by cutting down LDL (“bad”) cholesterol levels and the triglyceride level, while also increasing HDL (“good”) levels of cholesterol.
This is enhancing insulin sensitivity and lowers the blood sugar level. In a 2011 study, this might be the reason women (who are more prone to fat in their bodies) have diabetes at an earlier rate than men (who have higher abdominal fat).
What role does gluteofemoral fat play in this? One reason is that fat cells located in the lower portion of the body are believed to eliminate harmful fatty acids, which release into the blood when fat-rich food items are consumed.
The fat cells of the upper body are also able to accumulate free fatty acids, however, they are quick to release them back into the bloodstream in response to stress-induced adrenaline surges.
The abdominal fat cells also generate more chemical compounds known as cytokines that cause an inflammation that is harmful, while lower body fat cells create powerful chemicals, like leptin and Adiponectin.
Women and men are here and now
Further research is required to determine the role of visceral and gluteofemoral fat. Presently, evidence supporting visceral fat is much stronger than that supporting gluteofemoral fat. Furthermore, there’s no way to select one or the other type of fat.
The best option is to keep your body’s total fat under control by consuming fewer calories from your diet and burning off more calories through exercise.
Particularly, foods that are high in calories (fat sugar, fat) can tip the scales toward a large belly and resistance exercises (strength training) will build muscles in your thighs as well as arms.
In America and across the globe the majority of women are pear-shaped while males tend to be apple-shaped. It could be a reason women live longer than males as well, both in America as well as around the world.
As researchers continue to study the shape of bodies and their well-being, they’ll be able to accumulate evidence to confirm the knowledge that men already have that big bums are superior to large stomachs.
What is the thigh size?
The size of the thighs is mostly dependent on your bone’s structure (genetics) and also on the percentage and distribution of fat and mass of your muscles..
The thighs of your legs are made up of ( Trusted Source):
- Your the femur (thigh bone)
- muscle (e.g., quadriceps, hamstrings, adductors)
- connective tissue (e.g., fascia, ligaments, tendons)
- stored fat
- Veins and arteries
- nerves
Based on your genetics and your hormones, you might have the most or less weight on your buttocks and thighs. The two major body types are the gynoid (pear form)) as well as android (apple formed) ( 2ndTrusted Source, 3rdTrusted Source).
Gynoid-type body types are more likely to store muscles and fat in their buttocks and thighs and buttocks, while those who have android body types are more likely to store weight in the stomach or abdomen.
In general, females who are cisgender have greater gynoid fat storage due to their higher estrogen levels ( 2ndTrusted Source, 3rdTrusted Source).
It’s crucial to know that you can’t select the location where fat is stored in your body. In reality, the best method to grow that size in your legs is by the development of muscle, which is more manageable.
Can Certain Foods Increase Your Thigh Thickness ?
A calorie surplus (more calories than you burn during the daytime — could result in weight gain and could in boosting how big your legs are.
However, you are unable to determine the location where the body stores fat. If you’re genetically prone to store fat in your stomach or in your upper body, you’ll probably store fat in these places first.
If you’re not trying to build weight over time it is better to focus on increasing your muscles mass. Training to strengthen your hamstrings and quadriceps, and eating enough protein and calories, will aid in building more muscles to improve the dimensions of your legs.
To increase muscle mass, make certain to consume enough protein each day. For the majority of people, this means trying for 0.6-0.9 grams of protein in a pound (1.4-2.0 grams for each kilogram) every day, and doing exercise that builds strength ( 4thTrusted Source, 5thTrusted Source, 6thTrusted Source, 7thTrusted Source).
Also, not every food item will be able to help you increase your thigh thickness. If building muscle or fat mass is the goal for you, you’ll want to aim for a moderate calorie surplus (10-20 percent more than your daily demands) which is comprised of mostly whole, unprocessed foods ( 8thTrusted Source).
Do strength exercises increase Thigh Thickness?
Growing your muscle mass called muscular hypertrophy within your thighs could increase the overall size of your thigh muscles.
To get the best results, studies suggest that strengthening specific muscles (e.g. quadriceps muscles glutes, hamstrings) 3 times per week will result in the most muscular hypertrophy. Although everyone is able to build muscle, the degree of gain is heavily influenced by the genetic makeup of ( 12thTrusted Source).
In particular, some individuals build muscle faster than others, even if they follow the same workout routine and diet plan. Furthermore, people who have longer legs can still build muscles, however, it might appear smaller because muscles are stretched across a greater distance.
Instead of focusing too much on the shape of your legs, try to be aware of their purpose and strength. They come in all sizes and shapes.